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A list of UX feedbacks and product feedbacks I wrote in Chinese.

Feature Suggestions for Notability


Here are some UX improvement ideas that came to me when using Notability.

A day of UX at Alibaba


Launched in Aug 2019, Alipay oversea tuition payment is a new product, as part of of Alipay’s cross-border payments solutions. This…

OCaml Continuation Explained


Compress video on Mac, the better way

You want to reduce the size of a video without loss in quality. If you google ffmpeg compress video, the top answers are

UX Suggestion for macOS Preview

Often, you want to read a PDF document in fullscreen. And you like using Preview with continuous scroll, because it is natural, elegant…

UX Issue of macOS Finder

In Catalina, Finder took over the job of sharing files between Mac and iOS devices.

Screen Sharing Crash in Catalina

Since Mojave, macOS comes with a built-in Screen Sharing app, which allowed remote macOS share/control over internet without using…

Quicklook 100% CPU Usage
